Sports Innovation is catapulting the iGaming industry into the era of automated sports betting content

Content Team November 30, 2020

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Sports Innovation is catapulting the iGaming industry into the era of automated sports betting content

“Content is king”

You’ve heard it a million times before and we all know there is truth to the old saying but climbing the mountain to take your place on the content-throne is time consuming, expensive and elaborate. What if that process could be automated?

Sports Innovation is catapulting the iGaming industry into the era of automated sports betting content

That has been a declared goal of SEO connoisseurs for years and while technological progress has produced results within the field it is still not completely up to par.

The articles coming out of automated engines is still not solving the task of being a truly interesting read for the visitor.

While most companies have been chasing success in other places Sports Innovation A/S, a small Copenhagen based technology company, has set out to solve the automation problem for affiliates in the sports betting industry once and for all. And they might just be on to something.

Sports Innovation is catapulting the iGaming industry into the era of automated sports betting content 2“We have been building automated graphical widgets for clients such as football clubs, national leagues, TV stations and the likes for years for pre-game and live presentation. What we realized last year is that our data and widgets also represent the groundwork of good content.

The question was whether we would be able to combine our graphical presentation of facts and predictions with quality textual content to produce a full and final product that would be enjoyable for the reader.

We believe that we have now reached a point where we have succeeded”, said Martin Svensson, CCO of Sports Innovation A/S.

The result is a product that compiles an article in seconds, either 100% automatically or with the help of an “author” who can change the headline, text bits or graphical components of the articles.

“The system is based on betting predictions. If you, the author, believe that Tottenham will beat Chelsea come Sunday, you can prompt the system to write an article about just that. If you don’t want to choose an outcome the system can do it for you as well.

If you want to, you can prompt the system to publish 5 articles about games being played in La Liga this Saturday at 4pm and head out for a round of golf. Your work day is done. If you want to choose the template yourself, change the headline or other textual or graphical components in the articles, that is possible as well”, Martin Svensson elaborated.

The system that Sports Innovation has build is even capable of automatically pulling in odds from a wide range of online sports betting operators into the articles and can also automatically populate these elements with tracking links from the affiliate utilizing the system.

Even an automated comparison graphic of odds from several sports betting operators with tracking links is available. But what about the risk of duplicate content, the ever-present risk for SEO focused affiliates in the affiliate industry?

Sports Innovation is catapulting the iGaming industry into the era of automated sports betting content 3“The risk of duplicate content is very low. First of all, in order to risk duplicate content, two articles must be produced about the same game. Not just the same teams but the same actual game since conditions will have changed the next time they play.

Secondly, the graphical widgets the system choose to tell the story is ever changing and it is unlikely that the exact same would show, even if you created two articles about the same game minutes apart.

Lastly, the system is randomly choosing the textual lines to showcase. It has a wide number of lines to choose from when presenting each point and there is over 40 lines of text in an average article, making the number of outcomes quite staggering and we are constantly adding more”, Martin explained.

The end result is truly unique. The articles are crisp, good looking, varying in different templates and presents data that would otherwise take up a lot of resources to produce. The graphical widgets included in the articles can even be styled to match the design and feel of the individual website.

Sports Innovation is catapulting the iGaming industry into the era of automated sports betting content 4“The system is ready to be used, out of the box, so to speak. We have set out to solve every major time-consuming problem that content producers have when creating betting articles.

A thing many do not consider, but content writers know all too well, is the problem of styling and publication.

Once you have written an article and produces graphical content, actually setting it up nicely and publishing it is another hassle. The system does that for you as well. You can literally publish 50 or 100 statistically well-founded betting articles every week without having a single content writer on your pay roll.”, Martin finished off.

About SiGMA Europe:?SiGMA Europe will take place on February 16-18, 2021. Europe remains a leading market for gaming, making this the perfect opening gaming show for 2021. ?Join us for the 7th edition of SiGMA at the MFCC – Malta Fairs & Conventions Centre, and explore how you can benefit from being a delegate, a sponsor, an exhibitor or a keynote speaker.

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