EBET与BtoBet的联合创始人对Aspire Global提起告訴 In the ever-evolving gaming industry, legal battles have emerged as BtoBet and EBET INC. (Esports Technologies, Inc) took a stand against industry heavyweight Aspire Global. The intricacies of these legal disputes, initiated by the co-founders of BtoBet and separately EBET, unravel alleged breaches relating to Aspire Global.
Wicked Games取得MGA牌照 Wicked Games是一家面向全球在线与实体赌场市场的博彩游戏制作公司,现已获得著名的马耳他博彩管理局(MGA)牌照。新的牌照将使该公司能够向获得马耳他牌照的运营商提供其广泛的博彩游戏产品组合,从而大大增加向全球核心司法管辖区的内容分销。 该工作室在悉尼、利马索尔和贝尔格莱德皆设有办事处,拥有150多款游戏,在实体、社交场合、真人荷官和真钱在线游戏等不同领域拥有十年的经验。 Wicked Games首席运营官James Davies在接受SiGMA新闻网采访时表示:”我相信很多人还在问一个问题:什么是Wicked Games?”? “本月在马耳他举行的SiGMA欧洲博彩节完美的落幕,我们在博彩界大放异彩,但业内人士对这家名不见经传的博彩游戏制作公司仍感到有些摸不着头绪。?? “我现在只能说,请关注我们的网站,我们独树一格的游戏开发团队现在比圣诞老人的小精灵还忙,他们正在创造全新的网络游戏。我相信这么迅速地取得MGA牌照,消息并席卷整个业界也代表着,我们准备好了——我们是来真的。? 我们这么早就获得了MGA的牌照,为我们的团队提供了一个畅通无阻的目标,并为所有人设定了一个清晰明确的努力方向,这对于任何进入这一领域的新公司来说都是非常宝贵的。”? “快来Wicked玩吧!”? Wicked Games同时也在十一月版的《SiGMA 杂志》上做了专题报道。敬请在线阅读对富有远见的首席执行官Darryl Manning的采访全文。
Kindred集团退出美国市场并精简业务 Kindred Group has announced its decisive exit from the challenging US market, marking a major change in the company's global operational focus. The decision, stemming from a comprehensive internal review, will allow Kindred's to optimize its resources and enhance its position in core markets.
Tonje Sagstuen成为Norsk Tipping永久首席执行官 Tonje Sagstuen has been officially appointed as the permanent CEO of Norsk Tipping, following a period of temporary leadership.
无需额外资金,PointsBet 2024年即可盈利 Redefining its PointsBet Chairman Brett Paton announced at the Annual General Meeting that the company anticipates achieving EBITDA profitability in 2024 without the need for additional external funding. The revelation comes amid ongoing negotiations for the sale of PointsBet's US operations to Fanatics, positioning the company for a more focused and streamlined future.
Entain面临挑战,高盛下调股票评级 Top tier investment bank Goldman Sachs has downgraded its rating of Entain from Buy to Sell, accompanied by a substantial reduction in the target stock price from 1,450p to 820p.
Evolution回购股票以提升股东价值 In a strategic move aimed at increasing shareholder value, Evolution's board of directors has greenlit a substantial €400 million share buyback scheme.
并购案: 首席执行官呼吁对布拉格游戏集团的战略采取替代方案 In a surprising turn of events, Raper Capital's CEO, Jeremy Raper, (in photo above), has taken a decisive stance on the future of Bragg Gaming Group, releasing an open letter to Bragg's CEO, Matevz Mazij.
巴西体育博彩法案——税收革命再拿一城 Brazil's much-anticipated sports betting bill has emerged from the scrutiny of the Economic Affairs Commission (CAE) and is set to face a pivotal vote on the Senate floor.
并购:Oddschecker从Catena Media收购SuperScommesse In a strategic move to expand its presence in the Italian sports betting landscape, Oddschecker Global Media has successfully acquired SuperScommesse from Catena Media. The acquisition comes on the heels of Catena Media's €19.8 million sale of Italian assets, marking the end of its internal strategic review.
并购:Oddschecker从Catena Media收购SuperScommesse In a strategic move to expand its presence in the Italian sports betting landscape, Oddschecker Global Media has successfully acquired SuperScommesse from Catena Media. The acquisition comes on the heels of Catena Media's €19.8 million sale of Italian assets, marking the end of its internal strategic review.